Rental Corporate Structuring

[6-February-25 14:34:40]
Choosing a business structure is a key step when establishing a new business. The structure of a business can has implications for several essential elements of the way the business operates, including taxes and personal liability. A business structure is the legal framework of a company. It sets out key factors like ownership and profit distribution. The structure of a business should be established before it is registered with local, state or federal governments and should be chosen carefully. It can be costly and restrictive to make changes later. The business structure you choose can influence key elements of the business, including day to day operations, risk of personal liability, ability to raise capital funds, and taxes owed.

Choosing The Right Business Entity

[6-January-25 14:34:24]
Choosing a business structure is a key step when establishing a new business. The structure of a business can has implications for several essential elements of the way the business operates, including taxes and personal liability. A business structure is the legal framework of a company. It sets out key factors like ownership and profit distribution. The structure of a business should be established before it is registered with local, state or federal governments and should be chosen carefully. It can be costly and restrictive to make changes later. The business structure you choose can influence key elements of the business, including day to day operations, risk of personal liability, ability to raise capital funds, and taxes owed.


End of Year Legal Checklist for Businesses

[1-December-24 1:00:47]
As many people scramble to finish their last-minute holiday shopping and make sure everyone on their gift list is covered, business owners have another list to pay attention to.  This list is called the business compliance checklist.  Businesses must fulfill their legal obligations to stay in good standing with the state.  Failure to do so may result in fines, fees, penalties, and even suspension or dissolution of their companies. An end of year legal checklist typically includes reviewing and filing annual reports, checking and renewing business licenses, assessing any business changes throughout the year, verifying tax compliance, reviewing corporate governance policies, considering dissolutions or withdrawals for inactive entities, and filing final payroll taxes.

4 Ways To Legally Terminate A Contract

[1-November-24 1:00:41]
Disruption is common in the business world with unforeseen events or difficulties meaning that contracts sometimes cease to be beneficial or even possible.  If you have entered into a contract that you later wish to terminate, it is important to follow the correct procedure.  Failure to do this could constitute a breach of contract which could result in liability for damages.

Employer’s Guide to COVID-19 Vaccination, Verifications, Exemptions

[1-October-24 1:00:31]
The world has been turned on its axis over the last 17 or so months as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Small businesses have been hit particularly hard and will continue to be harmed with the new surges in infections caused by the delta variant as employers face pressing questions about worker vaccination requirements. I discuss some of these questions below addressing vaccination policies, vaccine exemptions, and vaccine verifications.

Can Your Registered Trademark Be Cancelled?

[16-September-24 9:45:21]
Registered trademarks can also be cancelled by the USPTO for various reasons.  A cancelled trademark is a trademark that for one reason or another has been deemed invalid.  When a trademark’s registration has been terminated that means it can be registered by another person or business.  Once a trademark has been cancelled, it is considered dead.  The owner of this trademark is no longer protected by any of the benefits of a registered trademark.

Service Dogs and What You Need to Know

[1-August-24 12:00:28]
Our dogs are extremely important parts of our daily lives. They follow our commands, work with us in various capacities, and act as faithful companions. Service dogs have these abilities, combined with training to perform specific tasks for individuals with disabilities. Many people with disabilities use a service animal in order to fully participate in everyday life. Dogs can be trained to perform many important tasks to assist people with disabilities, such as providing stability for a person who has difficulty walking, picking up items, preventing a child with autism from wandering away, or altering a person who has hearing loss when someone is approaching from behind.

Celebrating American Corporations

[1-July-24 12:00:28]
CELEBRATING AMERICAN CORPORATIONS By Kelly Bagla, Esq. As the American Revolution came to an end, America was born on July 4th, 1776. The nation was...

Ways To Sell Your Business

[10-June-24 10:42:57]
Selling your business is a very complex process and most business owners have never been through a sale process before. But business owners have more options than they realize. Lacking a team of professional advisors, including a strong M&A Advisor, corporate/transaction attorney and a CPA/tax advisor could have serious financial and tax consequences for both the business owner and the company so seek professional help from the beginning of the process. It pays to understand the various methods to sell or partially cash out of your business for a successful exit.

Real Estate Asset Protection

[1-May-24 9:25:25]
REAL ESTATE ASSET PROTECTION By Kelly Bagla, Esq. Real estate asset protection is a strategy investors can use to protect their finances from unexpected blows,...

How To Buy An Existing Business

[1-April-24 12:01:19]
Buying a business is a huge decision but when you pull the trigger on buying an existing business, you get the opportunity to become an entrepreneur without starting a small business completely from scratch.  Every year more than 500,000 businesses change hands, and that number is expected to skyrocket in the next several years as millions of baby boomers begin retiring and selling their businesses.

Noncompete And Nonsolicitation

[20-February-24 15:52:05]
Two new California laws directly affecting business owners went into effect on January 1, 2024. California has strengthened the prohibition against noncompete and nonsolicitation agreements, which also posse potential liability for employers who require their employees to sign noncompete agreements or attempt to enforce existing noncompete agreements against former employees.